Anglais correction

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Missdu38530 Anglais correction 1 12/03/08 à 19:09

Il faut que je corrige ce texte pour demain si je veux me rajouter des points ! J'ai regardé un peu mais j'aimerais avoir votre aide afin d'être sur de mes fautes.
Je mets entre parenthése ce qui est faux.

Paul hesitates between (accept) or (refuse). He has never liked the Maoris tribe and I (known) it.
"I don't know, I'm sorry !" He said (he was sorry but he meant).
"I'm sorry to insist but he is going to die !"
"Yes, I see that. But, it is a very important decision (for accept) now.
"I (have need reflexions)". He tried to find excuses but my mother, Jim and (me) weren't (worry). We felt compassion.
"Please Sir, respect the last (volonties) of one old man..."
My father (was understanding) the gravity of the situation.
"Please, wait a minute. I will speak to my wife". (Tom smiling).

"So, you, what do you want ?"
"You know, I (haven't never liked the tribe, as you)... but I don't agree with your decision. We can't leave him. He is very old and he will die. We can accept their proposition."
"Ok, I will accept but if they destroy anything, I will not agree..."
"Of course."

"It's OK. You can come on my land."
The tribe's spokesman (was become) so happy. (And every tribe) was singing.
The old man shook his hands to say "thank you".

Five days after... the old man died.
His soul (departs) for Rerengawaira and will rest in peace for ever.

Merci d'avance !

Anglais correction 1/1 12/03/2008 à 19:49
Paul was hesitating between accepting or refusing. He had never liked the Maoris tribe and I knew it.
"I don't know, I'm sorry !" He said (he was really sorry but what he really meant was : "I'm sorry to insist but he is going to die !".
"Yes, I see that. But, it is a very important decision to accept (pas vraiment compris ce que tu voulais dire...donc je mets un truc correct mais je sais pas si c'est ça le sens) now.
"I need to think about it". He tried to find excuses but my mother, Jim and I weren't worried. We felt compassion.
"Please Sir, respect the last wills of an old man..."
My father was understanding the gravity of the situation.
"Please, wait a minute. I will speak to my wife". (Tom smiling).

"So, you, what do you want ?"
"You know, I have never like this tribe either... but I don't agree with your decision. We can't leave him. He is very old and he is going to die. You should accept their proposition."
"Ok, I will accept but if they destroy anything, I will not agree..."
"Of course."

"It's OK. You can come on my land."
The tribe's spokesman was very happy. And the whole tribe was singing.
The old man shook his hands to say "thank you".

Five days after... the old man died.
His soul departed for Rerengawaira and will rest in peace for ever.
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