ENgliSh !

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Cocomademoisel ENgliSh ! 3 17/01/08 à 19:24

Jutse m'aider pour cet exo merci d'avance !:

Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au temps qui convient.

When the white settlers (arrive) in America, the Indians (depend) upon buffalo for centuries.
They (need) thier meat for food and many other parts for clothing or everyday articles.
Hunting (be) a question of survival. When the white hunters and sportsmen of the West (come), they (shoot) the buffalo herds relentlessly so that there (be) almost no buffalo left
Today, no one (hunt) buffalo but quite recently, buffalo, as well as ostriches, (become) exotic meat to sell for food, just like beef.

ENgliSh ! 1/3 17/01/2008 à 19:30
When the white settlers arrived in America, the Indians were depending (pas sur la) upon buffalo for centuries.
They needed thier meat for food and many other parts for clothing or everyday articles.
Hunting was a question of survival. When the white hunters and sportsmen of the West came, they shot the buffalo herds relentlessly so that there were almost no buffalo left
Today, no one hunted buffalo but quite recently, buffalo, as well as ostriches, became exotic meat to sell for food, just like beef.

jsui pa sure de tou...xD

ENgliSh ! 2/3 17/01/2008 à 19:33
"When the white settlers arrived in America, the Indians were depending (pas sur la) upon buffalo for centuries." (comme l'a dit ma voisine du dessus"
Depending c'est pas plutôt depends?
(enfin j'veux pas t'embrouiller hein xD)
ENgliSh ! 3/3 17/01/2008 à 19:36
J'pense que c'est depending moi.

C'est une bonne traduction de tomate Smile
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