the english's topic

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Moins de 18 ans

18 ans ou plus

Manonthemoon©   the english's topic 100 16/07/05 à 19:16

on this topic, we MUST speak english, it's just a blabla, but in english Tire la langue

words you don't know had to be in (parentheses)

ok ?

first topic of discussion, have you understand my message ?

the english's topic 61/100 16/07/2005 à 16:50
xD "ils se sont pas cassés le cul" very really, so lool, but I don't if the english speaker can understand that like french speaker Rolling Eyes MDR
the english's topic 62/100 16/07/2005 à 16:52
Englsih is the easiest language in the woorld. The gramatic is also simple but in France the language learning in school really sucks... the government really has to do something to change things if we want our children not to speak like an aborigenee
the english's topic 63/100 16/07/2005 à 16:53
all my englishe spokers' corespodant laughted of me because I speak there great-father's english...
the english's topic 64/100 16/07/2005 à 16:56
Bravo Bravo Yeah !!! now the children learn english dices CP! I think that it's good but they should learn it in nursery school at the same time asfrench!
the english's topic 65/100 16/07/2005 à 16:57
Lol yeah.. MDR
the english's topic 66/100 16/07/2005 à 17:02
my american corres write for "oh my god" "omagad" for exemple Shocked

and exist a loto (abrégés) like "gonna" "wanna" "gotta" "omagad" "STFU" for "see in" they write "sin" Shocked
the english's topic 67/100 16/07/2005 à 17:05
PiKmin59, thats how I learnt english I am in a special school where I was tought english since the age of 6.
the english's topic 68/100 16/07/2005 à 17:08
Don't you think that english is everywhere and that's too much... We could speak in french on a french website no??
the english's topic 69/100 16/07/2005 à 17:10
even in the words of lyric-song
for example "Not Gonna Get Us"[ TaTu]'s not a big problem
but..the American Confused Shocked respect the language
plz Don't wanna be an American idiot. MDR Sifflote
the english's topic 70/100 16/07/2005 à 17:12
stan, this isn't a frecnh website, it's an international website (.com, canada, suisse...)and the international language is the english, so...
the english's topic 71/100 16/07/2005 à 17:14
kojey = you are very lucky Very Happy
the english's topic 72/100 16/07/2005 à 17:17
manonthemoon = ok with you !!
the english's topic 73/100 16/07/2005 à 17:20
pikmin, to you to check a new topic Tire la langue
the english's topic 74/100 16/07/2005 à 17:25
hey in my school they have bilingual classes can u believe that!
the english's topic 75/100 16/07/2005 à 17:25
ok i just realized i was out of subject sorry bout that!
the english's topic 76/100 16/07/2005 à 17:27
yeah but i am pissed with english... In the school we study some shakespear in old english this is so boring dude... I dont like to read in english, I could buy harry potter but am not so ofnd of reading it in english... I prefere german Langue qui pend
the english's topic 77/100 16/07/2005 à 17:27
Why a new topic ? Confused ..I think that I did not understand that you wanted to make understand me Sifflote
to check a new topic ? this topic is good...why a new ? maybe you want to say a new subjet of ?
the english's topic 78/100 16/07/2005 à 17:28
u can actually use the word "topic" as "subjet of conversation" it is literally correct =)
the english's topic 79/100 16/07/2005 à 17:36
a new topic ? ? no ?
i listen the english music [ pop/rock ]...Gareth Gates,Busted,V,Alistair Griffin,Queen,Blue, you know ? Sifflote
the english's topic 80/100 16/07/2005 à 17:36
pikmin, another subject of conversation Wink
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