Le skateur Shane Cross est mort...

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18 ans ou plus

xDeadForAnEmO   Le skateur Shane Cross est mort... 2 29/06/07 à 19:39

C'est officiel le Skateur Shane Cross est Décédé...

Ali boulala conduisait la moto sur laquelle Shane Cross était, ils ont percuter un mur d'hotel prés de Fitzroy North à Melbourne

Ali Boulala est dans un état critique et est maintenu en coma artificielle. Les deux skateurs n'avait aucune protection (pas de casque) et pas de blouson. Il était (apparement ) ivre.

Voici le rapport de la police:
Fatal motorcycle collision in Fitzroy North

Wed 7 March 2007

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fatal motorcycle collision at Fitzroy North this morning.

Police have been told the rider and his male passenger were travelling north on Rae Street when the rider lost control of the bike at the intersection of St Georges Road shortly after 1am.

Both the rider and passenger, who were not wearing helmets or protective clothing, collided with a wall of the Tramway Hotel.

The rider and passenger were transported to hospital where the passenger, a 20-year-old Queenslander, died a few hours later.

The rider remains in a critical condition.

Members from the Major Collision Investigation Unit are investigating.


2007 - 60

Senior Constable Bradi Owens
Media Officer

Shane Cross

Le skateur Shane Cross est mort... 1/2 29/06/2007 à 19:43
Ahh je comprend rien Rolling Eyes

Bef, c'est la vie, tant pis. Il y a toujours de très bon skatteur.

Zeh Bulle One Coeur
Le skateur Shane Cross est mort... 2/2 29/06/2007 à 19:45
non il est mort Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
on l'oubliera pas celui la

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
shane Coeur Coeur Coeur
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